All right the last three days have been given over to Canada here on the Concepts page, now it's time for the United States! Andrew Krause gives us his take on a national team uniform.

0533: Metropolitan Green II

I'll be honest, I don't know if the new Seattle Sunday series was a hit or not last week because I wrote and scheduled this post three weeks ago. And I've been on vacation during that time so I probably haven't had time to make any edits. So how about a second take on the green Seattle Metropolitans idea? Andrew Krause put together a really clean look. I'm still not a fan of the name, but I could get behind any team that looked this sharp.

0492: Return of the Tigers

Time to break out an old theme week — NHL teams of the past. We'll be looking at new concepts for different ones each day. We begin with a new look for the Hamilton Tigers courtesy of Andrew Krause.